Daikoku-yu (大黒湯)


You can find Daikoku-yu when you go up north from Gojo St. which is lively with tourists visiting Kiyomizudera Temple. The name of Daikoku-yu comes from the name of the street, Daikokucho St.


One of the features of Daikoku-yu is its women-friendly facilities. For example, a dressing room for women is comparatively large. Daikoku-yu has a ceramic tile mural which has been there for 50 years. The tiles portray beautiful nature, a lake, a mountain with snow and so on.


If you are lucky, you can see maiko near the closing time. A bakery is open next to Daikoku-yu every Sunday. You can buy nice baguette bread there too.

Business hours PM3:15〜AM1:00
Closed Tuesday
Address 284 Yamashirocho, Matsubara, Daikokucho-dori, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto
Telephone number 075-561-7551
Access 5 minutes' walk from Keihan Line "Kiyomizu-Gojo"
Locker for rental YES (300 yen for a month and only women)
Available amenities
  • shampoo, rinse : 30 yen
  • body soap : 40 yen
  • towel (rental) : 20 yen
  • towel (purchase) : 200 yen
Parking lots YES (3 lots)